Travelling With Ease, and Style
Whether travelling for work or pleasure, you want to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. For some of you, travel can be stressful- anxiety about flying, fractious children, long queasy car rides, but there is abundant herbal help at your fingertips. For others, travelling seems to be an open invitation for germs to set up shop, and again, herbal remedies can make all the difference.
Here’s our guide to herbal helpers for happy travellers!
The Lead-Up: If organising your own or your family’s packing and itineraries feels completely overwhelming, the last thing you want to do is get so stressed before you go that you then fall into your travels in a state of utter exhaustion. Herbs such as Withania and Lemon Balm help to reduce the effects of stress on your body, keep your mind calm and your stamina up. Combined with B vitamins these herbs help improve your tolerance, resilience, and energy.
Flight Anxiety: If the thought of being on a plane really makes your heart race, and not in a good way, utilise high potency herbs to help diffuse the tension. Fast. Kava helps to reduce tension and stress in the body and mind, and Withania and Passionflower help to calm the nervous system and balance stress hormones. Using liquid herbs means the body can rapidly absorb them, enabling a noticeable and immediate improvement in our levels of calm. Herbs can be used before flying and during the flight. These can also help aid relaxation on the plane to support good sleeping patterns.
Sleep Support: Whether it’s sleep on the plane or adjusting to a new time-zone, it’s not unusual to have a hard time getting in sync when travelling. Valerian is a star when it comes to helping us get to sleep and stay asleep, a powerful but simple support that comes in a convenient and rapidly absorbed liquid form, which can be easily dose-adjusted to suit each person.
Unsettled Babies & Children: Chamomile is a winner for both in-flight and on-road travel. We hear amazing stories from parents about liquid chamomile calming kids on any kind of excursion. Use frequently when needed for best results, or add it to water bottles to sip throughout the journey. Chamomile can also help with car sickness.
Motion Sickness: If you get queasy in the car, the best trick is to look straight ahead. Another fabulous old wives’ tale (we now know of course that old wives were very, very wise) is that sitting on newspaper makes all the difference. You could try this! And, or, you could try some herbs with a great proven track record for reducing nausea, such as Ginger. Ginger & our New Zealand native Kawakawa combine to make an excellent formula for tummy support. We recommend making up a thermos of this with hot water to drink at regular intervals throughout the trip.
Stop The Bugs Getting In: If you always get sick when travelling take some more systemic immune support for a good two weeks before your trip, and keep going during and while you’re there. Don’t spend your holiday in bed if you can help it! Echinacea is the very best herb for this, specifically the organic root extract. If you fly frequently, choose an Echinacea combined with antioxidant berries and blackcurrants. ImmuneBerry® is your perfect companion product here.
So: Passports, check. Baggage, check. Something to read/watch/do (magazines, movies, macrame), check. Fresh organic carrots, check. OK that’s a bit weird but it’s my favourite antidote to the stuffy long haul of a flight or a car trip! Oranges are another winner. Herbal support, check check check! Time to go, feeling relaxed and ready for adventure.